Will my 6 month old JRT grow out of barking at night?

by karen
(stoke on trent)

My 6 month old JRT, barks at night from the moment I leave him he will bark sometimes an hour, sometimes 3-4 hours, then quiet for a while, then sometimes barks at 5am til I get up at 7am ?!?!?!?!?! I have tried ignoring, but this has been going on for a week and a bit. I had him from a rescue center a week and a bit ago. Other than this he is really quiet, and a good boy in other things. He keeps us awake, he is in a crate, which he dont like much, but I think he would do this if he was in a soft bed loose in the kitchen. Will he improve if I am persistent, or is he starting a long term bad habit that needs breaking.

H E L P !

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Nov 24, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Ladyjack gave you some spot on ideas to try. I would definetly try putting him next to your bed in his kennel box. He will settle down in a bit, but I know how trying this can be. Stick with it and you will overcome this soon.
If this does not work email me back and I will
give you some other things to try.

Best to you and your poochie,
Stef, Belgium, JRT Texan Lover!

Nov 24, 2010
keep him close by
by: Anonymous

you could place a warm hot water bottle covered in one of your jumpers, he will feel close to you. Put the crate in your bedroom he will know you are there close by. You dont know what has happened in his past. He needs to be comforted and know he is in a good home now and will be loved.

Nov 24, 2010
barking at night.
by: Anonymous

Yes it will stop in time he is in a strange place and alone at night, and you have only had him for such a short time,it takes about a month to settle into new surroundings, could his crate be in your bedroom?? many of us have our dogs with us at night, and I am sure this would help, as he is feeling lost and lonely, I hope you manage to get him sorted, please let us know how you get on.I am sure others will give you more advice, some leave soft music on low, or a small light left on,for more great advice look on this site www.jack-russell-terrier.co.uk


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