Jack Russel

How to Create a Jack Russell Vaccination Schedule

The thinking regarding formulating a Jack Russell vaccination schedule is changing as veterinarians are recognizing possible dog vaccination side effects.  While canine vaccination is still an important part of any preventive care program, it is equally important to only vaccinate your dog against those diseases that present a risk.  For example, if you live outside of a region that has Lyme Disease, it doesn't make sense to vaccinate your dog for the disease.

Also, there are no exact guidelines, so differences will exist between vets.

jack russell vaccination chart

Most dogs receive what are referred to as core or required dog vaccinations. These include the following:
  • Required for any Jack Russell Vaccination Schedule: Distemper, parvovirus, Adenovirus 2, rabies (rabies is a legal requirement in most States in the U.S.)

    There are also non core vaccinations that fall outside of most Jack Russell Vaccination schedule plans.

  • Non core or non required dog vaccinations : Leptospirosis, bordetella, parainfluenza, lyme disease, cornavirus
A Veterinarian may use "distemper vaccine" to refer to a vaccine that has a combination of canine distemper, parvovirus vaccine and Adenovirus 2.  Depending on the veterinarian, they may decide to aso innoculate a dog with vaccines for parainfluenza and leptospirosis.  Choices that are made will obviously impact your individualized Jack Russell vaccination schedule.

These vaccines are available in products that mix the various vaccines together.  When discussing your Jack Russell vaccination schedule they are commonly referred to as  a "5 Way" vaccine, which is given at age 5 to 9 weeks and a 7 Way vaccine which is given at age 12 to 16 weeks.

    • 5 Way Vaccine: Includes in most cases parvovirus, parainfluenza (kennel cough), canine distemper, hepatitis and adenovirus cough

    • 7 Way Vaccine: The above plus leptospirosis and/or coronavirus. When you see adenovirus 1 or adenovirus 2 (preferred over 1) in a dog vaccine, it will also protect against hepatitis.

 Additional vaccines are added to a prototypical Jack Russell vacciination schedule based on the dog's living conditions (in a kennel, with other dogs), immune system status and region.  Dogs that live in areas  exposed to diseases such as Lyme Disease are given this vaccine while it is un-necessary to add to the Jack Russell vaccination schedule of others.

There are a total of 14 different vaccines available, some more common than others.
At this time, vaccinations for giardia in dogs and Adenovirus 1 are not a recommended part of any Jack Russell vaccination schedule. . 

There are possible dog vaccination side effects, so ask your vet about each disease.  For example, a Jack Russell that is frequently outdoors and that lives in a high risk Lyme disease area, should be vaccinated for this disease.  You can also minimize the number of vaccinations via a blood test (called serology testing) that can determine if your dog is still immune to a particular disease, delaying a booster.

To get educated, we suggest reading these  American Animal Hospital Association dog vaccination guidelines which have been revised in February 2007 to reflect the new information that annual adult boosters are not needed for distemper and parvovirus. These are only needed every 3 years.

Print out this typical Jack Russell Vaccination Schedule and post it on your fridge for future use.  Again, this may vary based on your region, health of your Jack Russell, lifestyle (indoor, outdoor), exposure to other dogs and area where you live.

I was so glad when I found it so I could refer to it when I needed it. I hope it serves you as well as it has served me.

We need to keep our pups up to date on their shots!

Typical Jack Russell Vaccination Schedule

AGE Puppy and Adult Dog Vaccinations
5 - 9 weeks Vaccine: referred to as being "5 Way"  

Combines vaccines for Adenovirus, Para-influenza, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Canine Distemper.  

Corona Virus given in areas where there is a higher risk.

Leptospirosis vaccine not given at this age.
12 - 16 weeks Vaccine referred to as being "7 Way"

Canine distemper, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, Hepatitis,  Para-Influenza

Leptospirosis given in areas where there is a concern (ask your veterinarian)

Some areas legally require a rabies vaccine as well.  

Kennel Cough given primarily in areas at higher risk such as New York City, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Denver Colorado, South Florida

Optional dog vaccines are Corona Virus, Lyme Disease, Bordetella (Kennel Cough), Dog Rattlesnake Vaccine and Porphyromonas (new canine vaccine that prevents dog periodontal disease).
Annual Booster Adenovirus, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis. Para-influenza (also called Kennel Cough) vaccine given based on immunity of dog.

Lyme disease and Leptospirosis given in areas where a concern.
Every 3 Years It is only necessary to vaccinate for distemper, parvovirus and rabies no more than every three years.  Rabies is given to dogs that are at risk, which is legally required in most States in the U.S.

Kennel Cough Vaccine for Dogs

The kennel cough vaccine for dogs (also called Bordetella) is optional and is usually given to dogs that are at high risk, such as those that live in Kennels or if your dog frequently comes in contact with other dogs, such as in a training class..  The reason is that the kennel cough vaccine is not 100% effective and could cause the disease. Puppies can be particularly at risk as they move from immunity inherited from the mom to their own immune system.  If their immune system is comprimised, such as during illness, they could be susceptible.  As with the other vaccines, discus the risks and possible dog vaccination side effects with your veterinarian.

Where to Buy Dog Vaccines

While we don't recommend it, you can vaccinate your dog yourself.  Since your doing the work it is an approach for low cost dog vaccinations.  To purchase a  low cost dog vaccination, you can buy dog vaccines on-line retailers such as Amazon and 1800PetSupplies.  

Dog Vaccination Instruction Video

Dog Vaccination Side Effects

dog vaccination side effects
Dog vaccination side effects include an allergic skin reaction (Angioedema in this case) as seen in this Dachshund.
Source: Washington State University/Pfizer Animal Health

Canine vaccinations can cause side effects that vary between dogs. For example, a dog can have a reaction to a particular vaccination, which is why its a good idea to ask your vet to conduct a test before vaccination for sensitivity.

Other possible dog vaccination side effects includes shock (anaphylaxis) which is rare, lethargy, hair loss, vomitting, thick and scaly skin, skin lump at the site of injection, and diarrhea.  Any dog vaccine side effects should clear on their own, but can take several weeks to completely go away.

Dog Vaccination Tip: Wait in your veterinarians office 15 minutes after receiving any type of shot or medication to ensure that there are no dog vaccination side effects

One approach to reducing the severity of dog vaccine side effects includes the use of natural remedies.  The following products are formulated to specifically address certain vaccines:

Dog Vaccination Side Effect Concern Natural Remedy Suggestion
Dog stress related to vaccination process PetCalm
Sensitivity and reactions to Canine Distemper Vaccine or to any skin infections that form at the site of injection Vipro Plus
To reduce sensitivity to the Canine ParvoVirus Vaccine and mild reactions to infections Parvo-K

Determining a Jack Russell vaccination schedule is best done in consultation with your veterinarian.  He or she can provide insight into the best practices for your area and that match the needs of your Jack's active lifestyle.



Dog Vaccination Schedule, Dog Health Handbook

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