User Submitted Jack Russell Terrier Photos
On this page you willl find Jack Russell Terrier photos submitted by
our visitors from all over the world. Bookmark this page and visit
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page will showcase individual photos. If you have a special photo of
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short description for your photo or if you'd like, a story about your
Say Hello to Max Sent to Me by David

Jack Russell Terrier Photos of Max
This is Max from NoVa and he's seven months old. His favorite game is
fetching his frisbee and tennis ball until his humans can no longer
move. He's definitely a powerhouse. He is very smart and will be doing
more outside training once the weather gets warmer. His favorite place
to sleep is at the foot of the bed, unless we're downstairs and he
sleeps on the arm of the sofa. He has two other dogs to hang out with
at home, Jack, a Min Pin and Dante, a Toy Fox Terrier. He's a great
little guy to have around and is very loyal. No matter where I go in
the house, he's right there with me.
Say Hello to Brutus Jack Russell
Terrier Photos to Me by
Kathy in Hawaii

Brutus is a 2 year old bundle of energy. He adores playing and running
all the time especially with his favorite stuffed monkey (that is as
big as he is). Brutus is intelligent, determined and stubborn. Brutus
loves to eat green beans, broccoli and (Fuji only) apples with no skin
of course. Brutus is social and adores playing with other dogs at the
dog park. His favorite sleep place is between Daddy's ankles at the
foot of the bed (Daddy hasn't had a good night's sleep for almost 2
years). All is all Brutus makes our lives better and complete, he is an
utter joy and we couldn't love him more.
Say Hello to Milo from South Africa

This is Milo. 6 months ago we were blessed to get Milo from friends who
could not longer keep him. Milo will be 3 this year. He is the most
amazing little dog and has crept deeply into my Fiance and myself's
heart. We do not have any kids or other pets, Milo has us all to
himself!! Often we look at him and thank our lucky stars that he came
our way, our home is now complete.
Maggie from South Africa
Say Hello to Nala Sent to Me by Kym

Nala is a short legged smooth coated Jack Russelll puppy born June 19th
2008. She enjoys playing with her doggy pal, Buddy, a six year old
French bulldog X Boston Terrier mix. Nala loves everyone, but
especially children. She sleeps with my 8 year old son and walks him to
the bus stop every morning, greeting (kissing) all the children on the
Say hello to Freddie sent to me by
Louise in Canada.

This is our bundle of joy Freddie.He is almost 7 months old. Makes us
laugh everyday.
Say Hello to Magnus as seen in the
the Surfing Jack
Russell Terrier photos sent to me by Doreen.
Magnus Chillin'

Waiting for a Wave

Hang Ten!

I rescued my JRT Magnus from a shelter a year ago. He is 2 now. We
discovered that he loves the water - he swims all the time in the lake
but we recently took him to a beach at Long Beach, WA that is half
Columbia River and half Pacific Ocean and it's perfect for body
surfing. The kids were riding the waves on an air mattress and Magnus
wanted to get on - they put him on there and he would not get off! He
surfed all day long! Here are three photos: We call number one - Magnus
Chillin', number two - Waiting for a wave and number three - Hang ten!
Say hello to Patch one of the Jack
Russell Terrier Photos
sent to me by
Chris in the UK.

Patch is a 12 year old rescue dog. We got him at the age of 6. Four
years ago he saved my life by barking and waking my wife one night when
I was fitting in my sleep. I was rushed to the hospital and found it to
be a brain tumor. He's my hero!
Say hello to Mackenzie sent to me by
Steve L.

Here is our 7 month old Mackienzie sitting pretty!!!
Say hello to Murphy sent to me by
Fran in Florida.

This is Murphy, He lives in Florida and he is on
the boat waiting for a fish to be reeled in.
Say hello to DJ sent to me by Juliana.

This is my baby, his name is DJ . He is quite a character, it's my
first Jack and I fell in love with the breed, their personalities are
just indescribable.
Say hello to Jatz Jack Russell
Terrier Photos
sent to me by Kay
in Australia

Hello, this is my beautiful boy Jatz (Crackers) he is now 16 months
old. He makes me laugh and he makes me cry.
Say hello to Monster and Chaos Jack
Russell Terrier Photos
to me by Kenneth in Cleveland, OH

When we gave Monster his name it was just a joke at his expected
physical size. Being first time Jack Russell owners we had no idea how
perfect this name would grow to fit his temperament. While he is
probably the smartest animal I have ever owned. This guy is a nut!!!!
He is notorious for challenging any animal that offer the slightest
treat towards him or his families space(especially the larger animals).
He is going to give us a heart attach one day. The funny part is that
the other animals seem to be terrorized of this guy. Even if the
perimeter is clear before letting him out he'll find something to
terroize. We live near a wooded area with a creek and things are
everywhere. His list of victims consist of groundhogs, squirrels,
possums, deer, raccoon (which he pulled down a tree by the tail as it
tried to excape. Whew!!!) and just about every other dog that lives in
the vacinity except (Nino & Tank). Nino is a 90lb
Pitbull/Pussycat that lives around the corner and Tank the 13 month old
Boxer from next door. Monster loves them both to death, often playing
with either until he passes out for the night. They are his only two
male exceptionals in the animal world. The little pretty pup is Chaos.
She is five months and thinks she can do anything he does. It is
definitely interesting watching her learn from him. She even stops in
her tracks like he does when we call her. Jack Russell are seriously on
another level when it comes to canine intelligence. We thought Monster
just special, but I now know its in the breed. For some reason though,
she doesn't like people. She barks at everyone that doesn't live in our
house. I hope the name my family gave her doesn't turn into a curse
like the first one.
This is Dutchess with one of her
favorite toys sent to me by Letrice

She is a 2 year old that we rescued from the animal shelter 1.5 years
She is smart and very loving. Our family loves her!
Meet Jack and Carly Jack Russell
Terrier Photos
sent to me by Kim
in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Jack with his favorite frisbee who is 13 years old and still very

Four year old Carly lounging on the couch.
If would you like to see your photos included on this page, you can
submit by filling out the form below.
Please include a short description of your dog(s) to be used as a
caption for the Jack
Russell Terrier photos you send. Also feel free to share
a story about why you chose a Jack Russell or Jack Russell mix.
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Jack Russell Terrier Photos and Stories from Other Jack Russell Fans
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Jack and Spike Not rated yet
My jack Russells are my characters are my babies they have different personalities and I can't wait to see them when I'm gone and come back .
Note …
Curly and Friend Not rated yet
Curly is a rescue dog. He was rescued running down a busy road in San Antonio Texas. He is a very sweet and lovable dog.
Editor Note: Thanks for …
Aoe trying to get some easter food! Not rated yet
Aoe is going on 4 years old in November, and she loves to join us at the table so now when someone gets up she likes to jump up and try to steal something …
Russle the Jack Russell Not rated yet
My little guy will be 16 this month and still acts like a puppy!Spoiled rotten and he knows it lol,I'm blessed to have had him this long and and hopefully …
Layah the Jack Russell Terrier Not rated yet
She is 12 wks old,I got her when she was 8 weeks old.She is such a prissy lil lady.I bought potty pads for nothing when I got her as to she wants to go …
Dawnypents the Jack Russell Not rated yet
My 4 year old Jack Russell, Bernie, is my pride and joy. He is so perfect for me. Everyone loves him and he even has his own facebook page where his …
Jack Russell Crosses Mia and Pippa Not rated yet
After the last of our three children had left for adult life, despite the odd visit home for rest and food, I felt I needed something though why I don't …
Child Friendly Jack Russells Not rated yet
We got our first jack russel, Pieta, when my daughter was three years old. Almost from the beginning, Pieta would go to bed with my daughter and wait until …
Penny the Jack Russell Not rated yet
This is Penny 7 years old. Shes so lively and joy full. She loves her toys and running for her ball. Shes spoilt rotten! She has her own babies crib to …
BRAVO "DOGGY" the Jack Russell Terrier Not rated yet
Doggy is an Italian pup, 2 months old now. He is a fun loving puppy, very observant, intelligent, greets every new people he met and greets our friends …
Marley 3 Year Old Jack Russell Terrier Not rated yet
Marley is one of three "doggy children", our "first born" and the apple of my fiance's eye.
Marley came to us very young as her mom started weening …
Barron the Jack Russell Terrier Not rated yet
I got my "jackie" as a result of saving his father from the highways.
On my way home from work on morning I was aware that the cars coming from the …
Wanna Play? Not rated yet
Sawyer is a Jack Russell rescue I adopted in April 2011.
Buster the Smiling Jack Russell Terrier Not rated yet
My daughter brought this little guy home August 2010. He was about eight inches long. There is nothing better than having a Jack Russell. He has grown, …
Leo the Jack Russell Terrier Not rated yet
Leo was not my dog actually but I fall in love with him and when his owner abandoned him, I took him. He is perfect. However, he is not easy to handle. …
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