by Emilee Atkins
(Indanapoles, Indiana)

I am 12 years old and I want to know why my 4 year old Jack Russell terrier constantly shakes for no reason.

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Sep 10, 2010
COULD BE A FEW REASONS for the shakes!
by: ScooterMama59

So nice to hear from a younger JRT owner and caregiver.
Yes, this is perfectly normal and this could be the reasons why:
First of all, it could be that they have to go to the bathroom, they smell a treat or human food and get excited, they are cold, or they have done something wrong, but you haven't figured out what YET!!(HAHAHA)
Secondly, it could be because they are scared in a new situation or have shy tendencies.
I would say that as long as your JRT is not rolling it's eyes upward and showing signs of a sizure, that all is well. JRT's have a sensitive nervous system, like most smaller breeds. Try also to wrap your JRT gently in a small blanket and hold on your lap for a few minutes. A comforting word, like "it's OKAY", is also reasuring for your JRT.
Have a fun time with your JRT and GOD bless you both!
Stef, Brussels, Belgium, NATO

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