What Type of Jack Russell?

(Patricia Delonghi)

I have seen a miniature type Jack Russell which would be perfect for me ! What is this breed actually called because I am having a lot of trouble trying to trace it down.

I hope you can help me.

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Jan 05, 2009
Different Colors for Jack Russell
by: Anonymous

I have a Jack Russell the is white with brown face with a small amount of white. She is white with little brown and big brown spots. Her fours looks like freckles. She is small with her puppy intacked. Is this a Jack Russell, another thing she is very hyper.

Aug 26, 2008
Maybe Another Breed
by: Wendy

Also check our rat terriers. They are much smaller and can have markings and fur color very close to that of a jack russell terrier. Behavior is also very similar lots of energy and smart. I myself have a full size JRT and even other JRT owners think he is big for the breed as they do vary in size a lot and I know mine is pure bread. He weighs in at 27 lbs and is 16.5 inches tall.

They are a wonderful dog, but require someone with a lot of time and energy. Always research any pet thoroughly before purchasing to insure they match your type of life style. You'll both be happier.

Mar 14, 2008
Possibly A Shorty?
by: Marc Neveux

Perhaps what you are looking for is a "Shorty Jack Russell".


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