Wet Carpet

by Julie Hoskin
(Seymour , Victoria, Australia)

Help! How do I stop my 6 year old female jackie from peeing on my lounge carpet? Tried lots of things. Short of making her an outside dog, I have no ideas. I love this do so much that to put her outside would fee wrong. She just loves to be warm. Please bring on the ideas.

Julie the jack lover.

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Jul 12, 2009
weeing inside!
by: carol from lancs.,

my iyr old jack has access to the garden all times but still coms in to wee? we praise her a lot when she does it out,and scold her when he,s in, she knows she,s done wrong but still does it ? she even done it on my bed where she sleeps

Jun 10, 2008
Wet Carpet

First have her checked by your vet for any medical reason for this action. Has anything changed in your household? Is she crate trained?

You need to increase the number of times you take her outside. If you take her out a lot and she pees outside you are SETTING HER UP FOR SUCCESS. If you only correct her after she does it in the house, you are SETTING HER UP FOR FAILURE. Get yourself an x-pen and set it right outside the door. Make that her potty spot. she goes into that until she does her potty and praise praise praise. no play time till she potties. Walking her around gives her the opportunity to sniff all the new smells and get distracted. Give her the same place everytime and she will learn quickly that that place if for that purpose. She will soon be able to be placed into it immediately go if she needs to. Can you take up the rug that she is going on? If not you need to get the products that have the enzymes that break down the odor causing bacterias that the dog can continue to smell and remark.

Good Luck!

May 17, 2008
Wet Carpet
by: Laurie Ann Powell

Hello! Sorry to hear you are having a problem with your dog. Being your Jack is up there in age already, it will be harder to change her habit, but maybe you can try this. Are you giving your dog the opportunity to go outside 6 or more times a day? You should definitely set up a schedule for your pet. If she does go on your lounge rug, immediately say no, and put her outside for a few minutes, saying, go to the bathroom, or do your business. Have a key phrase that you can use every time, referring to using the bathroom. Also pick an area in your yard and take her to it every time. Put her on a leash and guide her to that area every time you bring her out. She will get the idea, as long as there isn't anything else wrong with her. Sometimes dogs can get an infection, causing them to urinate more often. Older dogs will also urinate more often too! Have them checked out regularly. Another idea is to limit your pets water intake at night, and make sure you give her the opportunity to empty her bladder before bedtime.

We have two Jacks also. Chase is a 9 year old rough coat, and Chloe just turned 1 on Mother's Day. It is important to be consistent with Jacks. They could do what you want them to do 9 out of 10 times, and then on the 10th time revert back. They are great though, aren't they? We just love this breed.

Good Luck! Laurie Ann Powell

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