
by Dee

My 2 y/o jack Russell seems very depressed. He doesn't want to go outside and I have to carry him out in the mornings and before bed to get him to go to the bathroom. He lays around all day and will only get excited if I take him for a walk. When I leave for work he crowds the door and doesn't want me to leave. Each day he gets more and more depressed. Other than nightly walks what else can I do to cheer him up. It breaks my heart to see him like this.

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Sep 27, 2010
Thank you
by: WaltersMom

Thank you so much for your comment. We did adopt another short legged JRT to be a buddy for Walter about a year ago. They play nicely together. I'm wondering if he's jealous of his little brother and gets upset with me for the attention I give him. I make sure to walk them both at the same time, take them to the park together, and they each have their own beds so no one is ever left out. I'm wondering if I need to do special things with Walter without Benson going with us all the time.

Sep 25, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

I have a JRT named Ginger, she turned 2 on June 24th. She is just like this. What helps is to get him another little JRT(mix)or smaller breed female to share his life with.
They love their forever families, but get very sad and depressed when we leave.
I am a trainer and dogsitter, so I have other males in the house often with Ginger. She is so HAPPY when they are here. As soon as they leave she is back to her 'ole self. I live her in Belgium, but will be moving back to America in about 6 months. We are retiring at my Momma's house and my other forever dog JoyJoy lives there and she and Ginger are Buddies, so they will have each other to grow old with.
The best to you and please if you can, RESCUE another little female for him.
G-d Bless and the L-rd bless you and yours!
Stef, Belgium

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