Urinating while sleeping

by Ed M.
(Rochester, NY)

We've taken Rascal, our 12 yr old spayed female, to the Vet 2x and spoken to them on the phone a few times and are getting conflicting answers from 3 vets in the same office. Blood work and initial urinalysis show normal levels and no infection. First vet started her on estrogen, but it's not working. Next vet said it could be psychological, which neither my wife or I believe. We've had her 11 years now & think this would've shown itself much earlier in life. Besides, it seems to happen while she's sleeping and she doesn't even know it's happening. Third vet suggested it could be a rare form of diabetes and that the treatment won't cure the peeing. I collected a morning urine sample today, which my wife is taking to the vet. They're going to see if Rascal is "concentrating" her urine. Anyone out there have any experience with something like this?

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Jan 28, 2010
Urinating While Sleeping
by: Anonymous

My JRT developed this issue at about 14 years. My vet did tests to rule out urinary infection, and in the end it's plain old aging. There is a pill they can take that will help the muscles regain control. My dog took the pill for about a month and then she was pretty good for about another 6 months. It is not necessarily diabetes. The muscles relax when we/dogs sleep and when we age they loosen up when we're sleeping.
Good Luck!

Jul 14, 2009
Doggy Diabetes
by: Anonymous

This makes me so sad. I'm afraid this story sounds all too familiar to me. I've known of two Miniature Schnauzers who had diabetes and the "peeing" was the main symptom. Diabetes is very difficult to treat in dogs and very expensive. Just as humans with diabetes must do, you will have to do the daily pricking for blood to check sugar levels and then possible insulin injections or you will be dependent on your vet to do it. Unlike humans, your baby cannot tell you when he is feeling the oncoming symptoms. Even with treatment, it usually doesn't have a happy ending. My Dear JRT friend, if this is the final diagnosis, please do the humane thing for your baby. I've been there...done that...never easy! God Bless and best wishes.

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