Trick or Treat Chloe the Jack Russell Terrier

by Lucinda
(United States)

Camera shy?

Camera shy?

While going trick or treating with my two boys, we were very surprised when we saw a box at someone's home with the words "Free Puppies".

After seeing my little girl in that box I couldn't leave her there. We've only had Chloe for one week, she's now 9wks. old, and i wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. She loves taking car rides, and "napping with the little one". The best part for me is she's my little shadow, follows me EVERYWHERE, lol. I never would have pictured me with a TINY four legged friend, boy am I glad I was wrong. She's the best treat I've ever gotten from Trick or Treating...

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Jul 01, 2013
What a cutie!
by: Shade

Such a sweet story. You really got lucky that Halloween!

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