Trembling JRT

by Kat
(Long Island, NY)

The past two nights, I have woken up to my bed shaking from my 4 year old JRT trembling and shaking. She doesn't feel cold and she is under the covers and next to me. She would shake and it would stop for a few seconds and start up again. She would pant occasionally during this bout as well. Each occurrence was anywhere from 30 min to an hour long. I'm getting concerned as this has never happened before. My sister in law called the vet and they said she's probably just cold. I'm not so sure I believe that. Is this common among JRTs?

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Mar 12, 2010
by: Anonymous

completely a nightmare

Mar 12, 2010
so does mine!!
by: Zoe

My 3 year Old JRT does the same thing when shes asleep, but only when shes asleep. I have to just pet her gently and she will stop. she also starts breathing heavy, and snores really loud. :) There just having nightmares.

Jan 11, 2010
dreaming, maybe?
by: Anonymous

My terrier does this when he's dreaming. If I gently wake him up, he stops and seems happy, so it seems to be a neurological thing.

Jan 11, 2010
dreaming, maybe?
by: Anonymous

My terrier does this when he's dreaming. If I gently wake him up, he stops and seems happy, so it seems to be a neurological thing.

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