Treat skin problem.

by henry

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I have a JRT coming to 6 years.My dog encounter a skin problems all over the body.Many attempts for treatments by vet till
My JRT usually eat cook food like pork/fish sometime dry food. I also try food supplement like Dermatrix for healthy skin & shiny coat.But skin problem still occurred.
I hope you can help me find a solution to my problems.Thanks
JRT fan,
jrt papa

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Jan 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

I had the same problem with my JRT. I changed dog food - nothing with corn in it - Blue Buffalo is what I feed. No more vet bills or rashed for over 6 months now.
Good luck

Nov 16, 2009
Skin rash
by: Anonymous

If your Jack comes in contact with your clothing, bedding, etc., you might want to consider the detergent you use, or fabic softener. Some say they can be allergic to those things. Also, grass, etc. My Jack had a tough summer with hives at times. I have tried everything, and although we live in the southern US, I hope colder temps will help. Grass is dormant, washed all the things he comes in contact with, without a fabric softener. Also, give him baby size benedryl when he seems to be scratching a lot and frequent baths with oatmeal shampoo or tegren type shampoo. (both are supposed to be good for itching) My vet never seems to be able to tell what is wrong, either! Winter is always better, so grass or plants may be the culprit? Good luck!
My Jack loves a tepid, soothing bath, that's for sure.

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