Tips On Stopping Puppy Biting

by Gill

We are really firm with her but Milly is still doing far too much biting. She is only 11 weeks so I know its early days yet but I am covered in bruises! Milly doesn't seem to have much calm time, she winds herself up and that's when the biting is worse.

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Apr 26, 2008
I know what you mean..
by: Anonymous

My puppy did the same. My hands were so covered in scratches that my students started asking questions and getting worried. I bought some Bitter Apple spray and put in on my hands and feet and that seemed to help. It also helps if you can find something that she likes to chew on because her teeth are feeling itchy (to use a japanese expression). My dog really liked lamb bones. I also give her raw spare rib bones. They calm her down and when they are raw, they are safe for dogs to eat. (cooked bones are the dangerous ones).

Ultimately, my dogs biting got better after she finished teething. Teething can be anywhere between 3 months and 7 months or more (depending on the dog). My dog was so frustrated during this time. Sometimes she would just bite like crazy at my had, suddenly calm down and then leave. Then, I'd find a tooth near my hand. I guess she was just using my hand as a teether, although I wish she's find something else.

Last thought, her biting became less painful for me and less fun for her when I stopped pulling my hands away. I just grab her lower jaw gently and hold on until she gets bored.

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