Territorial peeing in the house?

by Kevin
(Ottawa, Canada)

I have a 2 year old male Jack Russell, neutered. He has consistently peed throughout our house since we got him. We walk him, praise when he goes outside, etc. No medical issues. He just seems to think he can pee wherever/when ever he wants. Help?

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Feb 03, 2011
2 yr old, peeing
by: Jenn

I just adopted a 2 year old JRT so my 4 year old female has a play partner. My new JRT is male, and isn't fixed yet. As expected he went pee in the house. I yelled no and smacked his nose and put him in his cage. Once I let him out, he (I swear) was out for 2 minutes and decided to pee again. I repeated what I did. I am going to assume he will learn fast. He has been with us for 5 hours now and has stopped his yapping, and whining. That was done by yelling and a light smack on the nose too. Our female learned this way and is well mannered and behaved. I am hoping he will learn and watch her. Hope this helps.

Oct 06, 2010
peeing in the house
by: Anonymous

I had a similar problem.What I did was get a small water gun and every time I caught him I'd give him a squirt and very sternly said no, then I'd take him outside and praised him when he'd go.It worked for me.He scratches my leg when it's time for him to go.

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