Spots On Belly

by Bruce
(Minnesota )

I have a JRT this is white with black patches over her body. However, there are other black spots on the belly that resemble 'dalmation' markings. I was told I had a purebred. Is this possible?

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Mar 01, 2011
by: Anonymous

Mine had spots but they now have gone, why's this?

Oct 06, 2009
black markings
by: gill

i was a bit concerned about the black spots under romos coat there seemed so many of them, but reading your comments puts my mind at rest. i would welcome to hear from a breeder or vet why this is.

Apr 21, 2008
Spots Are Normal On Jacks
by: Stefanie

My jack russell terrier has lots of spots all over her body. Even under her white hair she has black spots (I can see them really well when I am giving her a bath). Her spots were very light when she was a puppy but have become progressively darker. If you look at pictures of other Jacks, most of them have these markings.

Apr 11, 2008
by: gina

Mine also has lots of spots on his skin. It doesn't mean he isn't pure bread. It's a common thing.

Mar 15, 2008
Spotty JRT`s
by: jackie

I don't know if the spots make them pure breeds, my Apryl has loads of black and tan spots as well as her other markings.

Just makes her all the sweeter XX

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