Spooky the Jack Russell Terrier
by Shade Burnett
(Deltona, Florida, USA)
Spooky - what a face
Lounging out
So Cute
Spooky sporting a Spke Hair Look
I wanted to find a playmate for my Malti Poo, Zippy. I wanted a small young female dog to encourage him to play rather than lie around the house all day. I went to a shelter and found a cute little female wire haired Jack Russell terrier.
She was labled as 'un-adoptable" because she was so timid. It seemed that no one could even get near her. I really wanted her, so I told them that I wan't going to leave until they let me see and hold her. Finally they gave in and let me interact with her. She wasn't mean at all, just scared!
So, I adopted her and she has been the most wonderful, sweet, and loving dog! Zippy loves her and she loves him. And boy is he ever getting some excercise! She chases him around the house and yard every day. What a wonderful little girl she is!