Smooth, Broken or Rough Coat??

by Kelly

At how many weeks old can you tell if a JRT pup is going to have a smooth coat, a broken coat or a rough coat?

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Nov 15, 2013
The breeder of my dog told me,
by: Anonymous

if puppy of 4 weeks old has hair between his toes, he will have broken or rough coat

Jun 29, 2011
smooth,broken or rough coat
by: maureen

Hi, my Roxy looks like a Westie, short legs and all. She has long hair so we have her shaved every few months or so. We bought her when she was 10 weeks old and had no idea she would grow up to look as she does now. She was about 5 or 6 months old before we knew she would have a broken or rough coat. Bandit was also about 11 weeks old when we chose him. He has long legs and we thought for sure he would have a smooth coat but he was well over 6 months before he developed,I guess, a broken coat. He looks like a typical jr, spots and all. Roxy is all white with a brown ear. Their puppies are 14 weeks old and they look to me as tho they will have long hair. One is all white w/one brown eye and one white eye and 2 brown ears. The other is like Bandit, brown spots and all. Just look for a little fuzzy face and legs. Bye now.

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