
(cincinnati, ohio)

Today my beautiful Izzy passed away at the age 23 months. She was given a bath and shortly after began throwing up, urinating and pooing all over the house. My hubby let her outside and she appeared to be scratching her back in the grass and quickly loss all mobility and rolled down the hill in the yard. He quickly took her to our vet. She was gasping for breaths, her heart was beating rapidly and then slowing, her temp was 96. They can not tell us what happened to my sweet girl. We are devastated.

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Dec 02, 2010
I'm sorry for your loss
by: WaltersMom

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your little Izzy. You and your family are in my thoughts. I pray you will be well and that the memories of Izzy will someday make you smile again.

Nov 24, 2010
So sorry.
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, as many of us know how you feel,our hearts and thoughts are with you at this sad time, one day you will be able to look back and treasure the time you had with Izzy, at the moment the only thing you will feel is anger and pain,and only time will help to heal. god bless.


Nov 24, 2010
thoughts to you
by: Anonymous

My prayers and thoughts are with you although I do not know you. my Jacks are my babies and I know the devestation of losing a "baby" especially unexpectedly. treasure the loving special moments you had. a similar thing happened to my sheltie I had prior to my jacks. we never found out what happened, the vet suspected a heart attack. but could have been poisoned. our female jack was poisoned and acted similar, she survived thankfully due to quick action by a great vet. God Bless you.

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