Rescued Short Legged Jack Russel
by Leigh
(Atlanta GA)
Reading on the different sizes etc... I found that there are short legged jack Russell's i.e. Australian and Irish jacks have shorter legs than the English Jacks.
Then the material mentions the "Puddin Jack - Dwarf Jack".
How can I know if the short legged female Jack Russel 8 months old from what the vet told me.... is a Irish/Aussie Jack bred to be short legged or a dwarf/Puddin Jack with potentially higher health risk?
Our newly rescued little girl is a very good puppy... she is not real aggressive but can speak up when necessary... very good with her new found home with a 12 year old female chihuahua and 9 yr old kitty female cat... they seem to get along well.... our little Roxie let the little jack know when she got in her face... so all settled down very well.
I'm just concerned about the type of short legged jack... so we know if there is any way to determine if she is a bred short legged jack or if she has potential health issues and is a dwarf. Thanks ! We will take care of her she is a joy and well behaved.
Thank you.
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