Question on the Ears...

by Sherri Klopfer
(St Paul, MN)

Hello, I have a 12 week old Jack Russell and his ears, instead of being the traditional dropped ear, stand straight up making him look like a Rat Terrier or miniature Great Dane....although he thinks he is anyway.....

I am looking to find a vet or at least info where I can get his ears to sit in the traditional way. Does anyone have info on this procedure and where /how it can be done?

I live in the Twin Cities, Minneapolis/St. Paul MN

Thank you!!!!

Sherri L. Klopfer

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Sep 26, 2011
Puppy ears, one up and one down
by: Anonymous


I am from Spain where there are hardly any JRs so I don't have many options of people to ask.

My 2 and a half JR puppy woke up one morning with not two but ONE era sticking up. I have read all kinds of theories about this happening when teething (at this age and again when they are 7-8 moths old and are getting their grown up teeth) and that both ears might end up sticking up or dropping.

My question is, is it possible that Muca ends up staying like she is now? With one ear sticking up and one dropping down...?

Thank you!

Oct 16, 2010
by: Anonymous

Well some people will go to great lengths to look a certain way due to insecurities, they in-turn do it to their animals. It's sick. Cut yourself up, but leave your animals out of it, or get an animal that would fit into the beautiful life you've paid for.
Get a lab!

Jul 31, 2010
by: Anonymous

Why does it matter that his ears stand up as a previous person commented cant you just love him the way he is. Putting a dog through a procedure for something as little as stick up ears is absolutely ridiculous and selfish. Think about it you would be breaking vessels for what? Personal gain there is no health issues with stick up ears. Dont fix something thats not broken

Jul 29, 2010
prick ear
by: current Pre Vet student

If, having the ears stand up is an issue, there are ways to fix this. And breaking the vessels as someone suggested is not a procedure any vet would do nor recommend. You can check at your local pet store or grooming parlor for professional weights. Or do as my personal vet suggested to me and has done for 25 years now.

Glue and a penny. If you know someone who could get you dermabond (surgical glue), this is the best method now. But your local vet may offer you a tube. Take the penny and glue it inside and at the tip of the ear. Repeat for several weeks when the glue loses its binding. This will "train" the muscles to hold the ears down. Why a penny? A dime is not heavy enough and a nickel or bigger is too heavy. Also, depending on coat color, the penny will not be seen. Speak to your vet about this before you proceed.

But frankly, love em for being different.

Apr 26, 2008
Don't Waste Your $$$

I own 3 Jack Russell Terriers. An 8Yr, 7Yr and a 6YR old so I'm now "JACK RUSSELL SUAVE" Both of my Jack Russell Terriers had ear issues!! 1/2 pricked ears (One straight up and one down). Don't trip "Potato Chip"...When your Jack turns 1Yr old all the way up to just before they are 2yrs old, they will all fall in place. Not to worry my friend, let their natural growth development fall into place, guaranteed. however, if you insist on spending $$$ just to blow, I take donations for advice (Quack, Ha-Ha).


Apr 24, 2008
Ear Remedy...or Torture...?
by: Charlene asnd Mike (Mee-kah)

There is a way to fix it, but I'm not really sure on if it hurts the dog or not. It's breaking the blood vessels in the ears by purposely folding them down (over a period of time) and they will eventually break to where the ears will stay down. I STRONGLY suggest that you contact a vet and seek their advice before making ANY decisions that could hurt your family member...!!!! But it is possible, just not a very popular tactic.

Apr 19, 2008
Prick Ear
by: Lisa, Canada

Your JRT has a condition called Prick Ear which is common amongst the breed. My Jacks ears started to lift at 12 weeks and I was curious as to know why. There is no way to alter this. Your dogs ears are thinnner at the top so they aren't heavy enough to flop over. There are advantages to this.. Your JRT is less likely to have ear infections because dirt doesn't get trapped as it would in the tradtional JRT. The disadvantage to prick ear is that you couldn't use him as a show dog. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that his ears pricked but you will notice that as your JRT grows out of the akward puppy stage that he or she is in they do look really really cute with there ears up.

Apr 19, 2008
Ears - What Next???
by: Anonymous

Well I'm amazed that you would even consider having his ears altered. Can't you just love him as he is - I'm sure he'll love you whatever he looks like. Why anybody would want to put a dog through a needless procedure is beyond me. My beautiful dog has stick up ears and would never dream of putting her through that.

What next - doggy face lifts???

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