Puppy Size...How big will he be when he is fully grown?

by BedazzledLV
(Las Vegas, NV)

Bosco Bailey @ 14 weeks old, 11 lbs

Bosco Bailey @ 14 weeks old, 11 lbs

My Boy Bosco, a shortie JRT, is growing so quick! When I got him he was barely 5 lbs(7.5 weeks old). Now at exactly 14 weeks old he is 11 lbs. He is in no way overweight. But at this rate I'm thinking he will be pretty big. His mom is a typical shortie(looked around 16-18 lbs when I picked up my pup). I was not able to meet the father dog, but was told he was also a shortie about 18 lbs.

He is my first JRT, so naturally I'm curious...is this normal puppy growth? I've never knew that he could grow so quick. I only feed him top quality foods...I do a mix of Grandma Lucy's Chicken, Wellness Just for Puppies canned food, and Holistic Select small breed puppy dry food. He eats 3 a day which is left out for 15 minutes, about 1 hot dog a day as tiny training treats, 1 bully stick/lamb trachea every 2-4 days till finished,a puppy kong filled with regular sized kibble with peanut butter near the opening as an after walk/bath treat, and a 2' frozen raw bone filled with his leftovers as a bedtime treat. I let him eat to his hearts content in that 15 minute time frame...if he gobbles it up and is licking his empty bowl I add more.

I feel I'm doing right by him...as his energy is super high, and I give him the opportunity to use it all up. His walks have slowly grown from 3 x 10 min walks at a leisurely pace @ 10 weeks of age, to 2x 45 mins long walks a day @ 14 weeks of age.

Anyway my main concern is...am I overfeeding him? and is that causing the big growth spurt? or am I just being a worrying over nothing.

And, Am I walking him too much for his age? I tried keeping the walking to a minimum...but he has so much energy! There is only so much fetch, puppy chase Mom(never the other way around), and tug of war you can do before it gets boring to him. He is very smart, so learning/practicing tricks burns very little mental energy for him. The long walks really have helped curb his excessive nipping that nothing else cures, jumping(gets me worried as he is so young and is a shortie), stealing toilet paper(only 1 piece at a time ROFL), and his chasing the cats(he is never left unsupervised...but they get along pretty well unless he gets too hyper).

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Sep 12, 2010
by: thomas

you feed him too much feed him less or he will go away but he is a nice dog WHAT TYPE IS HE

Jul 08, 2010
by: BedazzledLV

LOL My boy is Happy, Healthy, and one of the best JRT's out there. Yes as i suspected he was gonna be a big boy. His back is at 14"! lol and is extremely muscular like his momma...He looks best at his fighting weight of 19.5 lbs at 1 year old. He still eats 3x a day since we spend a great deal of time out walking and he has a high metabolism. He is smart as a whip; knows about 30 diff commands and all his toys by name, does fabulous recall...even against birds and lizards! I love him dearly and will never settle for anything but the tenacious JRT's!
He is the greatest dog I've ever had! Anyone questioning whether to get a JRT...stop now! JUST DO IT!!!!

Jul 05, 2010
Be careful with overfeeding
by: Anonymous


Not to scare you or anything I'm sure your doing just fine by your puppy, but please be careful overfeeding your dog as there are several reasons to do so. First, The food expands in the stomach. If the food is dry in a wet environment it more than triples in size so it will take the dog some time to feel full after gobbling down his food. If the dog is overfed it can kill them.

Also obesity can kill them for it puts a strain on their hearts. If they get used to eating too much they will carry this into adulthood where they will play and exercise less and once they stop growing the only other way to grow is WIDE.....

Read this article http://www.professorshouse.com/pets/dogs/overweight-dogs.aspx

Hope it helps!

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