Hello, It really is determined by two factors. The first being the amount you feed and the habits of your dog. Mine is feed 2-3 times aday based on her activity and she has 2 BM's(bowel movement). If I take her out and walk her for over 30 minutes she might produce a little bit more. No outside walk and no BM.
If you feed your dog say twice aday and walk her outside, she might go each time. Purely habit. No real set amount, as you can see.
Best to all JRT/mix owners and their poochies, Stef, Belgium, JRT Texan Lover!
Nov 22, 2010 Rating
ALOT by: Anonymous
My JRT goes a lot. every time she goes out for a walk (3-4X) she goes and somes I see her in the backyard but I would say at least 4X a day. and she only grazes at her food, she doesn't really eat a ton.