Pee Problem

by Janine

We adopted a 2 year old wire haired JRT from a shelter last summer. Every since we brought him home, he pees everywhere, anywhere, and constantly! We've tried EVERYTHING! Please help!

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Jul 08, 2009
Pee Problem
by: Jools

JRT's are very territorial. They like to mark their territory by peeing.

I would suggest- praising the dog everytime it pees outside and rewarding your dog with a treat. When the dog pees say good boy...and start using the phrase 'pee pee'
You can eventually let the dog out frequently and say go 'pee pee'
If you have another pet chances are a JRT will pee over the other pet's pee. Like I say these dogs are territorial and like to have the last 'say'
Reward and praise go a long way...although with JRT's more patience is required...but you will just takes time and perseverence. Good Luck!

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