Older Jack Russell getting brown spots of hair

by kelly
(New York City)

Merv, my Jack Russell (about 11-13 years of age) has started getting brown spots of hair (almost like freckles, but they are in the hair, not the skin) all over. They are faint, roundish, and light brown. The vet has no idea what it is.

Two things happened before they started: had an operation on his parathyroid gland and the only other change is that he started eating rabbit, which he had not had before this. I stopped the rabbit, but the spots are still there.

Next question - he really pants and slows down in the heat - we walk a mile and a half to and from work each day. He has water along the way, but is it too much for him otherwise and should we cut back.

He's a Hurricane Katrina Rescue so that is why there is a question about his age, but am guessing 11 - 13.

We live in New York City.

Thank you!

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Nov 11, 2013
Brown Spots on 11 yr old JR NEW
by: Anonymous

My 11 yr old female JR has the same light brown spots that began about a year ago. Graying began around her muzzle about the same time and has now progressed to behind her ears (tri-color that had a full mask of 3 colors on her face). I think it's just age too. Just as the freckles on her tummy changed over the years.

Mar 10, 2012
Old JRT White Getting Brown Spots NEW
by: Anonymous

MyJRT just starting getting the same thing ... faint light brown spots on her white coat. She is about nine years old. Not sure what they are but we call the age spots.

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