Need Some Help

by Robert Schoch
(Austin, TX)

We have recently (Nov.... '07) acquired a Jack Russell, was given us and he had been thrown out of a home here in the neighborhood and several people in the neighborhood have had him for a nite or a week or so. We are giving him a home with the idea of permanency. We have had him neutered and a healthy inspection with all of his shots. He is a fun loving, happy dog for what he has apparently gone through, and the vet believes him to have had his 7 month teeth in November, so we have given him a birthday of April 15 this year 1 yr old. However he will NOT come when we call him if he is outside (fenced in yard) We have tried training him to come with bribing him with hot dogs, treats of all kinds, toy whistles etc. Sometimes it works, but rarely. When working with him inside the house to come, he seems to run under a chair or into his bed and then I ask him to come and he will however, back to the chair or under something which seems protective to him. Also, he has had another name, wonder if that could be a problem. Our feeling with these actions appear that maybe he was abused in some manner.

Will appreciate any help, Thank you so much.

M/M Schoch

Vet believes him to be mostly Russel and Chihuahua.

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Jan 16, 2009
Need Some Help
by: Harborview JRT

I'll bet that whoever had him was trying to teach him to "come" when called and if the dog did not respond or respond quick enough when the owner got to the dog he punished or yelled at the dog with something like "when i call you you better come", now he associates coming when called with punishment when he arrives. Never, never, never punish the dog if he takes a while to get to you. Always praise him when he finally comes to you. I keep treats in my pocket, I don't immediately use the word come. I just walk around and when the dog comes up to me, I hand him a treat and say nothing, I keep walking and the dog runs around but when he returns to me again, I give a treat. This way the dog realizes when I go to this person, I get a treat. It really works!

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