My Sunshine nips legs!!!!

by Meghan
(Decatur, AL)

Our jack Russell came to us when she was 2 out of a horrible storm. The owner was never found and she has become my sweet Sunshine! BUT to my horror, she nips children! They age from toddlers to teens too and I don't know what to do. She has a great temperament and does this unprovoked and usually we never know what happens. She just nips and every thing is back to normal. We have separated immediately after and told her know but we are afraid for the parents. We don't want for people not to come because of our dog. She is so sweet all the other time. The kids love her and pet on her. They are usually just playing normally or running in the backyard when it happens.

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Nov 25, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

This can be trained out of your JRT, but I would suggest using a professional trainer. Until you find the right trainer I would never let Sunshine alone with anyone without a "muzzle" on.
The reason for this is that you can be sued by persons if she bites them or their children.
They make muzzles that are comfortable for your poochie.

The reason she does this is can be traced back to her first year and an incident or two that made her feel threatened.

She'll be fine and please don't give up on her.
Our JRT's are a very special breed and can learn quickly how to change their negative behavior into possitive ones.

Best to you and let me know how things go,
Stef, Belgium, Texan JRT Lover!

Nov 25, 2010
Nipping Children
by: Dennis

As a general rule, JRT's do not tolerate children very well. They will tolerate very well behaved children, but they are not a dog for households with kids around. Yes, they look very cute, and they are playful, but they have a bit of an intolerant streak toward children ... especially young children. Even unintentional rough play from children is normally not tolerated well. My suggestion is to keep the JRT separated from the children that visit so no bad behavior is invoked.

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