My JRT Mojo

by Tony Callis
(Madison, TN )

I have a 1 year old Jack Russell Terrier named Mojo and on June 20th I left him with my brother for a week while I was on vacation. Well they have a swimming pool and he loves to swim and he's very good at it too. About a week later he started scratching all over and it was endless. Sores starting appearing and bleeding a little with some hair lose when it scabbed over and I was thinking that it was flea bites. He also was hanging out with my brothers dog which has fleas. I bought some 100% oatmeal shampoo which seemed to help a little. Any ideas on what this might be?

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Jul 14, 2010
by: Anonymous

Definately fleas and most likely chlorine in pool as well. Jacks are known for allergies and my vet said that even one flea can cause miserable itching. Also, keep your jack on flea preventative if possible. It helps my jack and I've never seen one flea nor tick on her, but she does have allergies. I like using a medicated shampoo on her as well, seems to help.

Hope your jack is better soon!

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