My Girl
by Milky's Mum
Milky was the only girl in a litter of four. Her mother's name is Jill and her father is Jack. She was only 5 weeks old when I took her home, which we have since learned was a bit too young.
She loves to play with other dogs and she enjoyed staying in a holiday kennel for a month when she was seven months old while we were overseas. She was so excited when she saw us arrive to take her home she weed on the floor of the kennel office.
She loves chasing cats, other dogs, birds, possums, and the blue tongue lizards in our backyard. I don't want Milky to kill anything. Any time she starts barking at something in the backyard I freak out about what might happen.
She seems to tolerate small kids. She just stands still and doesn't know what to do. I've panicked a few times when she has run towards small children and screamed,
" Milky! nooooooooo".
She does seem to read people's minds. Often she gets nervous when I talk too loud. I hope she will be able to understand me correctly.
She is an outdoor dog but she loves my bed and loves to sleep under the doona.
She went to two dog schools, puppy school and basic obedience training. She knew how to pass the test but nothing more than that.
I hope Milky will understand reality better. When she runs away out the (accidentally left open) front door she has learned to come home when no one goes and gets her. Hopefully she can learn to just run only in our front yard not the street.
She loves carrots, plums, fresh bones, wood, blue tongue lizards, people food, junk food, cat food but not her food.
Just four days ago I borrowed books from the library, wanting to be able to communicate with Milky better.
Two things that I got from books for sure are I now understand her better and love her even more.