My Female is 62 Day Gestation

by Melissa
(Bridgeton, NJ)

we have taken her to the vet she is expecting 3 puppies we are getting worried because she has not delivered yet she bred on 5-29-08 at 9 am and 11:17 am and that was nothing or after those times I contacted the vet he told me not to worry till monday but she has a clear sticky fluid coming from her vaginal area. I'm just worried about her!!! My Diamond is my daughter i want her to be safe!!!

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Jul 30, 2008
62 Day Gestation
by: Mary-Harborview jrts


I would recommend you go to a book store and get yourself a book on canine whelping. It will help put you to ease and also let you know of other things to watch for and let you know if there is a problem during the whelping. But congrats on the 3 puppies.

Usual gestation is 63-65 days. Did the vet tell you about temperature taking? Is she Nesting? Is she still eating? Hopefully you have a whelping box set up and a way to keep the room temperature up to close to 80 degrees to keep the puppies warm. When they are 1-10 days old they do not have the ability to regulate their body heat. Do not let any other dogs in the room with mom and puppies. She will need quiet and calm area to have her puppies.

A clear thick mucous discharge is normal and a good sign. It is lubricating her.

I would definitely call your vet and make sure he is available for an emergency call in the middle of the night and if not, call the closest emergency veterinary hospital and let them know you have a bitch ready to whelp in the next day or so and want to make sure they are available for phone calls and/or an emergency visit.

I would be more than happy to discuss this with you and maybe answer any other questions you might have if you feel you would like to call me
if you want my number, reply to this or send me a private email at my email address which is



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