MAX -- my jack x chi

by Marilyn
(Langley,British Columbia ,Canada)



I got this puppy from a home not far from me and they said it was "Parson's Jack Russell"(mom) x Chihuahua(dad) both parents were purebreds. We were told it was an accidental pregnancy and the 4 male puppies would likely not be more than 10lbs. The one that I got is 11 months today and I weighed him in at 18.4 lbs. He is not fat my husband has been taking him and our other dog out for walks since he(the puppy) was 8 weeks old. Is this normal?? He seems to be more Jack than the Chihuahua.

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Nov 07, 2010
Max ---my jack x chi
by: Elaine

My female Parson Jack, at 11 months was 16lbs 7 oz. My dog was 20lbs at 18 months.

Your Max is a gorgeous little dog, and yes, he is definately more Parson. In fcat I'd never have known that there was Chiuwawah????(spellin)in him. He's beautiful! As long as he is healthy and happy, who cares if he is not the weight the stats say. Neither of my dogs are fat, but both of them weigh more that their books say they should, so don't worry.

Nov 07, 2010
Max ---my jack x chi
by: Elaine

My female Parson Jack, at 11 months was 16lbs 7 oz. My dog was 20lbs at 18 months.

Your Max is a gorgeous little dog, and yes, he is definately more Parson. In fcat I'd never have known that there was Chiuwawah????(spellin)in him. He's beautiful! As long as he is healthy and happy, who cares if he is not the weight the stats say. Neither of my dogs are fat, but both of them weigh more that their books say they should, so don't worry.

Nov 07, 2010
Max ---my jack x chi
by: Elaine

My female Parson Jack, at 11 months was 16lbs 7 oz. My dog was 20lbs at 18 months.

Your Max is a gorgeous little dog, and yes, he is definately more Parson. In fcat I'd never have known that there was Chiuwawah????(spellin)in him. He's beautiful! As long as he is healthy and happy, who cares if he is not the weight the stats say. Neither of my dogs are fat, but both of them weigh more that their books say they should, so don't worry.

Nov 07, 2010
Max ---my jack x chi
by: Elaine

My female Parson Jack, at 11 months was 16lbs 7 oz. My dog was 20lbs at 18 months.

Your Max is a gorgeous little dog, and yes, he is definately more Parson. In fcat I'd never have known that there was Chiuwawah????(spellin)in him. He's beautiful! As long as he is healthy and happy, who cares if he is not the weight the stats say. Neither of my dogs are fat, but both of them weigh more that ther books say they should, so don't worry.

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