Living Arrangements

by Becky Baliles

Can Jack Russell dogs live outside or are they inside dogs only?

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Nov 08, 2008
? ?
by: Anonymous

I agree with the comment above, not just for you JRT, but for any dog! Why would you have a dog if you are going to have them live outside? My advice to you is don't get a dog if you are going to keep them outside. JRT's want (and need) your love and attention. Mine love to be outside during the day, using a doggie door, but will come in and out to nap etc. I think that letting your JRT play outside (in a fenced in yard of course) is necessary for them to thrive, and be the happy little hunter that they are, but NEVER leave them out doors all the time! They definitely need, and love their humans.

Nov 06, 2008
by: Anonymous

Why would you want your Jack to live outside? They are so lovable, trainable and so much fun, you will want them with you all the time!

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