The best Jack in the whole world!!!

by Anne Diego
(Pompano, Florida)

R.I.P. Knuck Knuck

R.I.P. Knuck Knuck

Knuckles was so full of 3.5 years I had to do the unthinkable and put him down. Two weeks ago he stopped walking and was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. I opted for surgery. A day and a half later, Knuckles took a turn for the worst. Within a 3 day period...he was gone. I see him every where I go. I miss him dearly. He had such a wonderful personality and so much play. It's been 2 weeks and I cry everyday. I miss you my little KnucK-Knuck!!!!

Comments for Knuckles:
The best Jack in the whole world!!!

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Jul 30, 2009
My 9 year old Jack Russell just had the surgery!!
by: jack lover

I pick up my beloved jack named jack today.. I'm worried now.. what did he look like after the surgery? any signs?

Jul 15, 2008
by: Anonymous

Sorry about your loss, I can't imagine the day when I have an empty spot in my bed where Harley lays.

Good luck - don't quit the JRT's now!

Jul 14, 2008
RIP Knuckles
by: Linda V.

I am crying as I read your picture page. How sad and difficult it must have been for you. How adorable he was. It is time that heals and in the mean time take some time and go to an animal shelter and donate or volunteer your time. You'll be amazed how much you will heal by knowing you are helping out the unfortunate that do not have a wonderful home like Knuckles had. My sympathy to you and God Bless and Rest in Peace to Knuckles.

Jul 13, 2008
by: Mary-Harborview JRT

My Deepest Sympathies on your loss of Knuckles. I know it is very difficult right now, but time will help heal and you will be left with such great memories of you and he. You did the right thing, out of your love for him. He trusted you to do what was best for him. Give yourself some time and find someone who understands this great loss and talk about Knuckles with that person, it will help.

Take care and be well. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss.

God Speed Knuckles

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