it may be the food. If your dog - like most dogs - gets processed food (which normally consists of grain mixed with garbage - yes, garbage, check out relevant information) it could be that he just doesn't like it. Most of the dogs I know hate their dry food, and they only eat when they can't stand being hungry anymore. No wonder - dogs are carnivores, their body is not designed for grain (and not for garbage). I feed my dog raw meat and raw veggies, she turns 11 this year, is healthy, strong, and she LOVES her food.
May 14, 2011 Rating
hello by: Anonymous
If this continues i think u should notify ur vet.Your dog needs to eat just like humans.Your dog might be depressed because it doesnt want to eat or it doesnt feel good.So as i already said call your vet and maybe go for a ckeck up.