Jacks CT

Maxine @ 1-1/2 years

Maxine @ 1-1/2 years

What in the breed makes them have brindle marks? I have the mother and 3 of her children, all have different quantities of these marks. Also, have you ever seen or heard of a Jack Russell - Pit Bull mix? I believe I saw one at the local shelter, including the brindle marks.

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Feb 05, 2010
jack/pit character
by: Anonymous

You had two litters of this mix? What type of attitudes did these puppies end up having. Did you follow up with any of their guardians? Just curious on the mixtures disposition of your pups. I have two one male and one female from the same litter. Their mother was a Parson Russel. They are very intelligent high energy dogs. They each have their own identities and operate as individuals. The male is a control freak and the female can be bossy of course that behavior is not acceptable but the tendency is still there. They also have a very high prey drive. Does this sound like the kind of dog most people should own? Do'nt get me wrong I like my dogs and would not trade them,but I put in the time and the training. But I'd be more concerned about the attitudes of the pups than whether the mother could pass them.

Feb 02, 2010
jack russell pit bull mix
by: Anonymous

i have a jack russell miniature female and am american red nose pitbull they have had two litters the first litter all looked different and this one which is just a week old are all tan and white except one that is brindle chocolate and tan. our female weighs 12 lbs and the dad weighs 55 lbs. the first litter came out with no problems. but this litter we did have to have csection because the last pup was way to large and we ended up losing him. I would NEVER recommend this combonation of breeds unless your female is the pit bull.

Jun 18, 2008
by: Anonymous

I have two jack/pit crosses. I have seen both parents So yes it does happen. And believe it or not the mother is a Parson Jack Russell.

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