Jack Russell

When I take my jack Russell for a walk he wants to turn around and go home do you know why?

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Jan 08, 2011
by: ScooterMama

Your JRT male is apprehensive about a walk because he's afraid. So, what I would do is when he reacts this way, pick him up and carry him. Use calming, reassuring words for him and then after about 5-10 minutes put him down again. Coax him to walk for atleast 3-5 minutes, then pick him up again and repeat.

Also, if you see people outside and he's a nice boy, please let them pet him. Kids, adults and please introduce him to other dogs.
This might take a few weeks, but he'll get the message that he is not in danger NOR are you.

The best to you and your boy.
Stef, Belgium, TEXAN JRT LOVER!

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