Jack Russell Who Attacks in His Sleep

My Jack Russell if awoken suddenly by someone touching him will immediately and without warning fly at the first person he can reach, This is terrifying and he is like two different personalities. He only does this if woken from sleep. He used to sleep with me but if I moved or turned in the bed he would attack me, I have had quite a few serious bites from him, however when he wakes up properly he looks confused and dazed and then starts whining and its like he doesn't know what he's done. This boy is a really loving dog but I am scared of him.

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Oct 31, 2009
by: Anonymous

My 2 year old JRT has started doing this in the last couple of nights also.
Do you have an update on what may be the cause?

Jul 08, 2009
jrt attacks
by: Anonymous

i have 2 jrt 1 is 5 and the other is 2, my 5 year old attacks my 11 year old daughter for no reason, she starts to shake and then attacks and when i yell at her to stop she tries to attack me and 5 minutes later she comes to me like it never happened and shes fully awake. what is that about????

Dec 01, 2008
by: Anonymous

I never thought it could be a hearing problem as he does take longer to alert to any noise in the house whereas my Labrador hears instantly. Thank you for that. I'll let you know how I get on. It would be interesting to hear from any other owners who have this problem. Many thanks.

Dec 01, 2008
Sleep Attacks

Hi, I would strongly urge you to visit your vet for this. I'm thinking maybe a hearing problem that makes him get into such a deep sleep due to not hearing any disturbing noise that when awakened, he is very startled. Good luck and let us know. He would probably feel much safer and secure if this is the problem if he slept in a nice large comfy crate with soft cushy bedding.

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