Jack Russell male mating with Parson Russell female.

by Aziz


i have a 2 years old Jack Russell male(short legs), and recently i got a 1year and 3 month old female Parson Russell(long legs) , she is now in here 4th day of heat cycle , my question is when will she be ready to mate , and if she got connected with the jack Russell male what would the puppies look like and will they be considered pure breed.

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Apr 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

I am so excited! my jack russell and parsons russell have mated this morning! they were tied for around 25 minutes , so fingers crossed we will soon her the patter of many tiny paws!

Apr 17, 2011
mating short leg w/ long leg
by: Anonymous

You will get the most beautiful, adorable puppies that will either look like their mommy or look like their daddy. The will not look like a mixture of both. Trust me, I know. My short legged female parsons jrt with long hair and my long legged male jrt with a slightly broken coat became parents of one of each. They are the most adorable puppies. Good Luck

Apr 17, 2011
mating short leg w/ long leg
by: Anonymous

You will get the most beautiful, adorable puppies that will either look like their mommy or look like their daddy. The will not look like a mixture of both. Trust me, I know. My short legged female parsons jrt with long hair and my long legged male jrt with a slightly broken coat became parents of one of each. They are the most adorable puppies. Good Luck

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