Is This a JRT?

by Mrs. Kenya Rowland
(Phenix City, AL)

My Name Is Roxie

My Name Is Roxie

I have a puppy her name is Roxie she is 12 weeks old. I'm not sure what kinda of breed she is. Everyone says she looks like a Jack Russell... maybe mix. The Vet said she will only gain maybe one or two more lbs which will make her weight in at 6 lbs. She has wire hair. If I sent you some pictures could you help me out and let me know if you think she may be a Jack Russell or maybe a Fox Terrier.


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Nov 08, 2018
by: Maria Nogala

It's a shih Tzu jack Russell cross I have one too

Dec 17, 2011
All mix up NEW
by: Anonymous

I too have a dog that's looks exactly like your dog same color and all. We are sure what our dogs is either. Our dog is about 5 months and weigh 8 lbs. Sometimes not knowing is the best. Great dog we love him no matter what he is.

Aug 04, 2009
Could be
by: Michelle

I have a wire hair JR mix, looks very much like yours too, sooooo cute. I got mine at the shelter, so we are not positive, but probably a chihuahua mixed in as well, she is 2.5 years and weighs about 12 lbs, and is full of energy and love.

Feb 18, 2009
by: Anonymous

I have a dog who looks exactly like this not joking EXACTLY!! and he is wired hair / chihuahua (I can't spell it!) mix even the same colors.

Oct 23, 2008
Jack Russell, Chi Mix
by: Anonymous

First, your puppy is adorable. Second, I have to disagree with the last comment. I think she looks like a wire hair Jack Russell, and Chihuahua Mix. Her face definitely looks Chi. I have had a lot of dogs in my life, and I am pretty good at recognizing breeds. Just be aware of traits for both breeds so you know what to expect with her.

Mar 24, 2008
Jack Russell
by: Anonymous

I think she looks like a short leg, wire haired, Jack Russell. I do think she will get bigger. The only dogs I know that weigh only 6lbs are chihuahua and she definitely is not a chihuahua. Also a puppy will grow up to 1 year. My Jack Russell is pretty small weighing in at 12 pounds. He stopped growing at 7 months and I still think he is going to fatten up a bit.

She is adorable and has gorgeous eyes. Look at those eye lashes. What ever she is, she looks like an awesome dog!

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