Hi Yes this is called prick ears
I have researched this quite in depth
Before getting a jack Russell 3 days ago
He has prick ears It is a supposed defect within the breeding but my jrt is perfect
Mar 02, 2011 Rating
ears! by: heather
i have a purebred jack russell male and he has huge big ears too. she is adorable btw. ya its normal i think its called prick ears or something.
Feb 26, 2011 Rating
Omg by: Anonymous
She is adorable!!!!!
Sep 23, 2010 Rating
thank u by: Anonymous
thanks, i forgot to mention that she is a female, her name is cassie xxx
Sep 23, 2010 Rating
NOPE! What ya got there is a ... by: ScooterMama59
Hello, I am a professional dog sitter and trainer here in Belgium. I sat a dog that looks identical to yours and its a ... mix! JRT and chihuahua mix. They are wonderful on temperment, but you need to breed them with another very small JRT or a small chihuahua.
He is so cute!
Love him to pieces and be happy because the mixes have a lot less problems then the purebreeds!
Stef, Belgium