how to break a Jack Russell from peeing in a Stream

by Cheryl
(Gobler, Mo)



Our Jack gets excited and just Pees in a stream.. I'm not sure why, just all of a sudden we realize he's going in about 5 feet or more.. please help.. we have only had him for 2 months and he has done this twice.. he's about 2 years old and need help.. I want to keep him and my hubby is already to get rid of him...

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Dec 03, 2007
pee training
by: Mila

Don't keep water out for him at all times. Put it out with his food and after a walk. Make sure you take him out about 1 hour after giving him water. It works for me. Read this in a dog training book

Dec 02, 2007
More details
by: Pics & Tics

Hi Cheryl,

What a perfectly beautiful Jack!

Could you give me a little more detail in this situation? I don't know if I quite understand about the 5 feet part. Could you add more to your query because I really want to understand what's going on. I'm sure there's something you can do. Sounds like a nervous twitch to me, but please fill me in a bit more, yeah?


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