How Do You Keep a Jack from
Shedding So Much?

by Sue

I just got a Jack today from someone who said they couldn't keep him because they couldn't give him enough attention. They also had another dog. I didn't know that but I'm sure he's lonesome for the other dog. He's been pretty good except for jumping on me sitting or standing. Could this be the cause of his behavior? I had no idea Jacks had such scruffy hair. It's stiff and sticks on my clothes and furniture. Is there any solution for this?

The people we got him from said he was trained professionally but you wouldn't know it. He doesn't want to sit or get down when he's on your lap or my furniture. Is this where the balance of wills starts with them? He seems very sweet but I can't stand hair all over the place.

Has anyone any suggestions for his pig style hair? lol.

Thanks to anyone that can answer my questions.


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Shedding So Much?

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Nov 25, 2008
by: Anonymous

First of all, the hair can purchase a "Furminator" at a local pet store. They are more expensive than other pet brushes, but worth every penny! You can also buy the treats from Furminator that help with shedding. We have a jack and I can't believe the difference!

As for not listening, he's testing you to see who's boss. Be firm and let him know you are in charge. Crate training him would be the best option. No bed sleeping!! Jacks tend to like to think they are the pack sure he knows that role belongs to YOU!

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