Harley Has Focus!

by Larry Walker
(Roosevelt, Utah USA)

Mud Pie

Mud Pie

Harley is coming up on 10 years old. He has been bit by a rattlesnake ($7000.00 worth of doctor bills and worth every dime), caught in a bobcat trap, been lost in the woods and found again, and seen more of the western United States that most humans 10 times his age. Now that he is somewhat grownup he understands that the cat is our friend also and that the chickens, ducks and geese are not his to have for lunch. HIs hobbies include chasing Thunder and lightning in the summer (good form of exercise) and supervising the loading and maintenance of the wood burning stove in the winter.

He has some tics of course but don't we all.

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May 26, 2008
by: Laurie Ann Powell

Great story about Harley. He sounds like our two Jack Russell Terriers, Chasie and Chloe. They also mean the world to us, and are real characters. That is what makes them so appealing to us, as pets. That is wonderful that Harley is still so active at 10 years old. Our 9 year old has slowed a bit, but that is another appealing thing about Jacks. That they have unlimited energy well into their older years, making them appear to be puppylike. Our Chase, the male, is a puddin' dog. (short legged) If someone sees him, they think he is a young dog, at 9 years old. Then we have Chloe, our female, long legged, who just turned 1 year old, and is like the energizer bunny. We have a large yard, about 1 1/2 acres fenced in, and they both have a ball when outside. That is what they need. The opportunity to be safe, and be able to run off some of that endless energy.

Congrats with Harley. Enjoyed your story.

Laurie Ann Powell

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