Harborview JRTs
by Mary Pereiro
(Moriarty, New Mexico)

Harborview is located in Moriarty, New Mexico, about 40 miles East of Albuquerque. So where is there a harbor in Moriarty? There isn't one...the kennel name originated when I lived on Martha's Vineyard, an island off the coast of Massachusetts.

LucasHarborview is a small breeding and show kennel. I pride myself in a bloodline that conforms to the breed standard, preserves the Jack Russell working qualities, all the while being loving additions to the family environment.

EchoThe Jack Russell terrier is not for everyone. For those considering purchasing a Jack Russell and are unfamiliar with them, I highly recommend reading the materials available on the Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) web site.
Viewers of my web site are free to contact me by email or by phone to arrange a visit to meet my dogs.