
by Donna Klenovich
(Oldsmar, Florida USA)

Why is my 9 year old Jack Russell "Mugs" getting freckles all over him? He's white and he had a few but I'm just wondering if it is really freckles or some other malady? He doesn't act weird or sick. What's going on?

Help me!

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Oct 17, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Dear Donna,
Thank you for emailing me back and letting me know how Mugs was doing.
Usually this spot thing happens a lot earlier for the JRT's, but I was just wondering, did you not take Mugs outside as much when he was younger? Just a thought, but I think he is just fine. Again, if they do change as in a sore or infection, then I would highly recommend that you take him to the VET!

Have a wonderful day in Sunny Florida and let me know if I can ever help you again. I love the JRT's and their mixes so much. My precious Ginger (2 1/2) has brought me such joy and laughter beyond belief.
GOD Bless you and MUGS,
Stef, Belgium, JRT/mix Lover from Texas!

Oct 16, 2010
back at you!
by: Donna

I thank you for your comment, but today when I looked closer, I think it's his hair becoming spotted! It is totally weird. There is nothing that looks sore at all. As I said, he's completely normal otherwise. There is no warmness and it's all over except his belly. Every day there seems to be more spots. I just don't know, but as I said there are no sores, just light brown freckle looking spots on his fur, I don't think it's on his skin.

Oct 16, 2010
by: ScooterMama59

Nine years old huh? Well, you do live in Florida so sunspots even for an older JRT would not be that unusual.

I tell ya, if they don't look sore or infected, I would say that they are age spots. If they do become infected or look sore, I would take that darling to the VET.

Let me know if anything changes,

Stef, Belgium, JRT LOVER from Texas!

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