
by Caitlin

My dog keeps licking her vagina and a white fishy smelling is left where she was sitting shes been fixed but i just don't know what it is or if there's something wrong with her


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Aug 09, 2015
Anal gland NEW
by: Sandra

Usually when a dog has a fishy smell, it comes from their anal glands and they need to be expressed by the vet. My Dashhound had the same problem. Make sure you see your vet because this can be serious if not taken care of and has to be done every 4 to 6 weeks. I hope this helps you.

Jun 14, 2014
Fishy smell
by: Anonymous

Hi, I'm sure you've dealt with the smell by now, but perhaps this could help some creature.

I am not a vet, but the topic came up quite recently, and so I have also looked it up.

Turns out, there are two glands left and right of the anus, the anal sacks. They tend to get blocked up or impacted and can rupture. It really stinks. ... your doggie needs a doctor!

Essential link:

Jul 06, 2013
Fishy smell
by: Lisa

Hi, just to comment on the fishy smell and licking of your jrt. I have a 5 month old puppie. He seems to have a smell around his face lately. I thought he might have got into something. Now that I've read your comments about the glands, I will see if there is something that can be done. Don't groomers squeeze those glands on some dog??? I've never had a dog that needed grooming.

I thought it might be the food he is on. He is eating Acana puppy food. It is a very good food. Any advise or comments are welcome.

Mar 07, 2012
Fishy smell (aka the fish bomb)
by: Rob

Hi, we have a 6 year old jack Russel which we've only had for 12 months. We started to notice a fishy smell (really strong), in which he would lick straight away after the incident. After hours online searching what it could be, we now call it the fish bomb. Apparently it's from a gland in the dogs bum which lubricates inside the anal passage for the easier flow of stools. ( sorry to be graphic). Sometimes the liquid in this gland becomes full and the dog excretes its naturally. It's very strong and the dog will probably become embarrassed and try and get rid of it by constant licking. We have a laugh about it now so hopefully this helps.

Jul 25, 2011
by: Anonymous

She could have a bacterial vaginosis. Let the vet take a look at it.

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