Cuted of tail

by mrkus

When do jack russels tails get cut of?

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Apr 18, 2010
not neccasary.
by: Anonymous

It is not necceasary to dock a tail, in fact here in the UK it is illegal to do so unless the dogs are working dogs.


Mar 15, 2010
Docked Tails
by: s4rgo

I have read in a lot of books that the docked tail was used as like an handle to drag the dogs out of holes if they'd gone to ground. It was docked to prevent the thin end being broken. Also its a kind of damage limitation if the fox etc fights back ie less for quarry to hang on.

Dec 31, 2009
JRT tails
by: Paul ,,Sussex,,UK

There seems to me to be no practical reason to dock any dogs tail.I have 4 Jacks and they hunt every day ( rabbits, rats, anything that moves in the woods and fields) They go to ground in rabbit holes for a good deal of the time and I have never found any instance where I thought it would be of an advantage to the dogs to have their tails cut off.( besides this they have really great tails). please don't fall into the trap of taking notice of people who cut off dogs tails just because "it's the done thing".
Cheers Paul.

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