Cliffton got Neutered

by Lisa
(Toronto, ON CANADA)

Cliffton as a baby

Cliffton as a baby

I just got my little guy neutered 3 days ago and he has some bruising and he has had a couple of accidents in the house. Is this normal? I have never gone through this before and I want to make sure my guy doesn't have any complications. Do they urinate more frequently after this type of surgery?

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Jan 08, 2008
Oh my.
by: Picsd & Tics

Thank goodness Lisa you got him checked out and on antibiotics. Poor little guy. But he must be fine with the grandparents.

Best wishes for his speedy recovery.


Jan 08, 2008
by: Lisa

Thanks Trisha for your response. Turns out my little one has a Urinanry Tract Infection. I have him on antibiotics and he will be just fine. His grandparents are keeping a watchful eye over him this next week. :)

Jan 08, 2008
by: Pics & Tics

Poor little Cliffton, but Lisa I'm so glad you got the little fellow fixed. The more animals are fixed, the better the world is for pets and keeps so many from being euthanized.

I believe this is normal. My Jimbo was very bruised and didn't make it to the potty place in time a few times the first day or two. They are just so sore.

But if the bruising gets worse or the urination does not subside in 2 -3 days, seek your Vet's advice. But I really think this is a normal progression.

He is just a doll baby.


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