
by Anthony Farrulla
(Los Banos Ca)

Charlie is the first J.R. that has owned me. Charlie has taught me lots of things in 5 years, including how to love and I am thankful for Charlie for showing me that important lesson in my life. To think how much a J.R. could change a persons life is God-sent...

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Feb 02, 2011
We have a life changing "Charlie", too!
by: Marie & Eddie

We have a three year old, broken coat, Jack Russell, also named Charlie! He has been a blessing in our lives and knows that he has us wrapped around his furry front paw! He visited with some neighborhood children one day, a year ago, and was missing for four months. We mourned his loss, and prayed earnestly for his return. God brought him miraculously into our lives, and now he is never out of our sight! I can't imagine our life now without him! Long live the JRTs!!

Jan 08, 2011
by: ScooterMama

What a handsome boy he is!! I am so happy when I hear other JRT owners share their hearts about their babies. I am owned by my first JRT too, named Ginger.
She is much like Sr. Charlie, in that she had taught me so much. Especially about patients and time constraints. I am happier and certainly healthier because of her.

Have a wonderful day in CA and GOD bless you and Sr. Charlie,
Stef, Belgium, JRT LOVER FROM TX!

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