
I have two Russells..the male is six years old and the female is 1.3 years old...and she is not getting pregnant,,,what could be the problem..

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Jun 10, 2011
by: maureen

My almost 4 yr old female, Roxy, and my 2 and a half yr old male, Bandit, after 3 seasons for Roxy finally got it right. She had 1 false preg. which was difficult for her but the very next heat she got pregnant. I had tried to help her during her seasons but you have to let nature take it's course. The female has to present herself which means she actually raises her vagina to a hight that the male can reach. So, once I gave up she learned how and now we have 2 surviving pups, 1 died at birth. They are adorable and try as I might I just can't give them to just anyone. So, good luck and be sure to read everything you can on whelping.

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