Bendy Front Legs
by Maggie Fennell
(South Africa)
Milo Boy
Hi All
Need some advice from you. We got Milo 5 months ago from friends who could no longer keep him. He is the most adorable JRT I have ever come across. His intelligence amazes us daily. He is spoiled rotten (only pet in the house).
One small concern is both Milo's front legs seems a bit bendy resulting in his two front paws pointing outwards. I personally think it is too cute for words but my Fiance is a bit worried that when he gets older he might develop problems in his joint because of this. Milo is now 2 years. At this stage is does not hassle him at all, he runs flat out on the beach, jumps and climbs without a problem.
Has anyone experienced this and could you be as kind as to offer us some advice.