Angry Jack

My dog Jack has a problem that may not have a cure. When I go to pet him some times he gets very angry and will bite me if I would let him. I have gone to a vet but no help. If you can let me know because he may have to be put down.

Gary Redman

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Jul 20, 2015
Angry jet NEW
by: Marie

Our jack Russell tries to nip other dogs but loves children she is very gentle with them and gets excited when she sees a child she's 10 months old. How can we help her be dog friendly?

Jun 18, 2014
My jack russel biting my kids feet NEW
by: Anonymous

My five year old girl jack russel has started biting my children's feet everything they are having arguments where they shout and scream at each other.she did make one child bleed on foot what to know what to do she has been ill while back and vet said her eye that keeps swelling up is just a water duct also she keeps being sick all the time.i don't wan to have to put her down if she's gonna keep biting the kids.would be great for sone advice.if her behaviour is to do with and underlining health proble what would y advice been vets loads no help at all.

Mar 17, 2012
snappy jack NEW
by: debbie

hi i have had my russell for 11 years from a pup, he very strange, hates black bags hoovers small children and babies is a def no no. my twin girls had those baby dolls from school that cry etc together he ragged it all over. he snaps a lot at night when tired very unpredictable. had bitten me a few times hence not bad, if he does not want to do something thing then i got no chance of moving him, if laid next to me at night and i move my foot etc he bites it, we have learnt to know his nature and work with this controlling male. but all in all very grumpy at night hates dogs small children and rules the house. at min losing a lot of teeth, he dribbles urine all the time now starting with blood in it smelly breath so think he not be around for much longer bless him

Mar 17, 2012
snappy jack NEW
by: debbie

hi i have had my russell for 11 years from a pup, he very strange, hates black bags hoovers small children and babies is a def no no. my twin girls had those baby dolls from school that cry etc together he ragged it all over. he snaps a lot at night when tired very unpredictable. had bitten me a few times hence not bad, if he does not want to do something thing then i got no chance of moving him, if laid next to me at night and i move my foot etc he bites it, we have learnt to know his nature and work with this controlling male. but all in all very grumpy at night hates dogs small children and rules the house. at min losing a lot of teeth, he dribbles urine all the time now starting with blood in it smelly breath so think he not be around for much longer bless him

Mar 07, 2012
Growling Jack NEW
by: Anonymous

We have adopted a rescue JRT and have the same problem with growling if someone is holding him and someone else reaches towards him. It seems to be getting better as he settles in and feels safe. We have just learned to respect this. If someone is holding him, then no one else tries to pat him. He is also growly like this when he is in his bed. So again, we have just learned not to bother him when he is in his bed. If we want him to get up, we call him out instead of reaching for him, or we offer a treat. Once he is out of his bed, he is just fine and happy with us. I think it's just respecting your Jack's personality and teaching people not to reach for him if it upsets him.

Feb 12, 2012
My "growly" Jack NEW
by: Anonymous

I have a 7 year old male who is fine if someone is holding him... Until another person reaches out to pet him and then he growls. He has always done this. He will growl if you try and stare him down...and he just gets downright grouchy after 9PM! He is an un-neutered male and thought this may have something to do with it...not sure. But I am more concerned now because this evening and about a month ago...(two incidences now) he has suddenly snapped at another family member...people he loves attempting to pet him goodbye when I was holding him at the door when people are leaving. It is so unexpected because he was minutes before being affectionate with these people!
Is it the fast hand moving toward me and is he being protective? Is it because he feels venerable and restrained with me holding him? I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this and if they were able to correct it? I have read that general growling seems to be common with a JRT's.
From now on I will make a point to leave him on the floor to say goodbye to people....then he is absolutely fine, but we are still confused why he does this???? Any hopefully we can correct this behavior?

Oct 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have had a lot of problems with mine also we have had him for about 8 years and its not getting any better He sleeps with us too. I know this is not good but he is are baby we have no kids. When kids come around i put him in a room because Iam afraid he will bite them. I know when he dont want bothered by someone because he shy's away from them. I really wanted to get another dog but scared to do so. I had a friends Yorkie over one day and he also snapped at him. And he bites at my feet in the middle of the night when you try to move him. Also he loves car rides and wont get out of the car and when you try to get him out he snappes at you then also.

Jul 19, 2011
Never give up on your dog!!!
by: Anonymous

To solve a problem like that you need the help of a dog behaviorist, instead of a vet.
Most behavior problems can be corrected with proffessional help, lots of consistency, hard work and knowledge.
Don't give up on your dog before you have tried it all!!
besides, most dog's that bite, do it because their owners don't know how to control their behavior, find the knowledge and start by finding the answers within yourself, then your dog will change.

Good luck to you all!!!
Don't give up!

Jul 17, 2011
same problem

Our 2 year old jack russell is going through the same angry problem. Hes quite unpredictable. Although we have noticed a pattern....first thing in the morning when we get up, and when we come in from being out for afew hours. But it can happen randomly in the day...he'll come to you for fuss, then he growls. Obviously it upsets us, we dont know how to handle it when he does (?)

Jul 17, 2011
the same problem
by: Anonymous

our dog is 11 mnth old and we are having the same promblem with him he is my sons dog and he never goes for him but he dose everyone else how can we stop this

May 03, 2011
biting jack
by: Anonymous

Do you really think that he needs to be put down for biting? How old is this dog and why is he biting you, does he bite other people too?

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